Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yugioh Joke of the Day


THE GHOSTS ARE REAL! is the famous quote used to advertise this new and upcoming game.  The game will take place in the future and will have more interactive maps in comparison to previous games.  Still in development, there is little known about this game except the fact it will be created for the latest consoles.  This implies the graphics and gaming experience will be far better than any COD games we have seen before.  Be sure to check out the trailer (link below).


Looking for an interesting article?

Check this out:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

GBC Crossing Over a New Leaf

Way back in 2001, the first game in this series came out as a new addition to the Game Cube Console. What really set this game apart was it's very "open" style game play and internal clock (A first for most games). The reason that this game has it's name Animal Crossing is because it is a world where your friends and neighbors are all ANIMALS! Dogs, pigs, cats, you name it! In this world you are surrounded in a Wild World.
Which brings us to the next installment in the series Animal Crossing: Wild World. This series was now moved to the handheld console in belief that the game would best utilizes the Nintendo DS and it's touch screen capabilities. This was my personal first game in the franchise, and I played it almost non-stop when I had it. I loved the collectibles and the freedom I received in creating my own town. I wished it had more of a story to it, but that's not why Animal Crossing was so well liked.
After Wild World doing so well, the next addition need to be a hit in order to top the last game. This game brought in Wii Speak as a new feature that allowed the players to have a live chat while playing the game. The player also was allowed to visit the "City" bring a brand new dynamic to the game. But, unfortunately the game received mixed reviews and was often criticized for not being innovative enough from the the last title Wild World. So, Nintendo needed a change in the franchise, taking over a New Leaf.
This brings us to the Newest game in the series Animal Crossing : New Leaf. Brought to us in a stunning 3D content, Nintendo went back to handheld, making this game for the 3DS. This game will give us lots of new places to explore, but the main new feature added is the ability to be the mayor of you own town! With this new challenge presented, how will you measure up? Well you can find out June 9th, 2013, you can pick it up in local stores for $34.99. Happy Crossing fellows!

Anyone remember Digimon?

I do.  The Season 4 full season comes out sometime in September and will be available through amazon.  As you can see by previous posts I have purchased the digimon rumble for Playstation.  Great Game, highly recommend it.  Well other than the fact it is unbeatable.  Still working at it.  Stay tuned.

$31000 dollar phone, eh I might get that.... WAIT WHAT?!

Yes, the new blackberry q10 can be found in gold for a measly $2,000 or in diamond for $31000.  Soon to come out is the ruby and sapphire versions.  Gotta catch 'em all.

P.S. The actual q10 comes out in the next few weeks and is priced around $200  

Ever thought about being a video game tester?

Check out the stats

If Steve Jobs went into gaming.... :o

Blackberry Z10 able to Sideload Android/Blackberry Playbook Gaming Apps!

Ugh.... another undoubtedly unsuccessful attempt at a phone by blackberry.  WRONGO!  The Blackberry z10 is a new breed among blackberry devices.  Look for yourself!  There is no physical keyboard, but rather a very sleek and stylish iPhone-like device that has a screen that is non-comparable to a tablet such as other cellular devices.  But the blackberry app store is terrible....  They solved that too!  By downloading DDPB software as a sideloader one can easily download apps when the phone is connected to a computer via  Here is a youtube video which demonstrates the process.

My brother just purchased the phone and the best way to describe it is as the most "functional" phone on the market.

Please give us feedback on your experiences pertaining to the z10 in the comments.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A few thought about WiiU

So when this console came out in November, I found it interesting that Nintendo would try to get such a jump on the competition. But, did this early release help or hurt Nintendo? First of all, WiiU is losing it's "new factor" in the gaming world. Now that the Ps4 and the newly announced Xbox One are now public, the WiiU is starting to feel less exciting. Most likely the WiiU will fail to compete hardware wise, but what else is new? The things Nintendo has been known for recently hasn't been it's console, but it's Platform titles and handheld devices. So I'd like to focus on the new features it brings to these great platforms.

The big new thing about the system is that it now shows a very vibrant HD. This maybe old news for Sony or Microsoft, but it is a welcome new feature for Nintendo. It's sleek design also brings it into the look of the new gaming generation.

But, the big new thing about this console is not the system itself. Nintendo has always been the only major gaming company that makes major changes to it's controller. Even though the controller is bigger it gets rid of one of the biggest problems in gaming, Screen peeking. Now that you have a screen to yourself, it contributes a lot to your multiplayer games. And it also could be used as a handy item screen or map screen. Who knew you could do all these things with an extra screen!

All in all this is a very good family oriented console. It is easy enough for anyone in the house to use!

Violent video games being attacked?

I thought everyone should read this article on violent video game laws being pushed in NJ.

click the link to read more.

A home entertainment platform or a gaming console?

The two are moving ever closer to being the same thing.  Store your music, surf the internet, watch tv, watch movies, partake in social media, read the news, video chat with friends, and most importantly play video games with the new gaming systems such as the Xbox One.  The gaming industry is planning on moving in a new direction, where the market for gaming systems joins hands with any multimedia markets.  The market is expanding to any home entertainment.  Next time your pondering what gaming console to buy think about the progress the industry has made over the past 10 years alone.  From a square box that had a controller and some very pixelated figures on the screen, to that with a dvd player, to music player, to awesome graphics, blue ray player, to multimedia platform with the exceedingly awesome graphics.  Where will we go next?


Like football?
Play Football?
Watch Football?

If you said yes, then you will like Madden 25.  The new game has the best graphics seen in xbox 360 history when it comes to sports graphics.  Play the game as the owner of the football team or a new rookie superstar like EJ Manuel.  (Go Bills!)  The new game is set to be released as early as August 27, 2013.  If purchased through amazon, DirectTV owners can get a deal in which they will get live streaming of NFL games over the course of the 2013-2014 season.  Some may say to wait until the new gaming console comes out to purchase any more games, but only time will tell how patient one can really be especially with a game as awesome as this one.

League of Legends the best free online fantasy game?

League of Legends has been around for awhile now and the game has really taken off.  On my last trip to china I found that most of the local internet bars consisted of many League of Legends fanatics and then in college I found more fanatics.  Everywhere I go it seems to be showing up on a computer screen.  So my question to the followers is, Is League of Legends truly the best online game for the computer when it comes to first person fantasy.  Please comment below and share your thoughts...


Got these games for 20 dollars,  good deal or no?

Leave comment

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


8 years ago the xbox 360 was released.....


The new xbox will be voice activated and has voice recognition, has personal memory as to what you were last doing, better graphics, trending entertainment section, all the capabilities of the xbox 360 and more!  However, xbox one will change inputs on the tv via voice activated commands.  All the technology of xbox one is incredibly fast and up to date.  The new xbox one is much more universal than one could ever imagine.  There are also gesture commands, using your hands you can change the size of the tv screen and also there is an ability to switch between or have dual screen availability.  Navigation is quick and easy.  For any xbox lover this is a must have!  Skype and snap mode are available as multitasking accessories to this wonderful new product.  

We'll just have to wait and see if this xbox is all its made out to be.

xbox One.jpg

Until then we can only wonder what's next..